Owning A Pool is More Than Just Testing The Water!

Pool compliance is essential for saving lives and preventing children from accessing the pool whilst unattended. The Australian Pool Standard has been introduced to ensure that all domestic and commercial pools are compliant, and safe for all users. The Australian Pool Standard effects all pools (even converted pools that have been converted to ponds), spas and some portable pools that hold more than 300 millimetres of water.

The Australian Pool Standard applies to all residential and commercial properties with new or existing pools as well a short and long term accomodation on the premises. This includes but is not limited to the following;

  1. Domestic properties,

  2. Bodies Corporate/ Apartment blocks,

  3. Hotels & Motels,

  4. Caravan Parks & Mobil Van Parks, and

  5. Backpackers

Local governments have the power to investigate compliance with pool safety standards and can issue fines. If you don't comply with pool safety standards, local governments can issue on-the-spot fines of;

  • $883.05 for individuals and $2523 for companies.

  • The maximum penalty a court can impose is $20,814.75. If you fail to register your pool,

QBCC can issue penalties which includes an on-the-spot fine of;

  • $252.30 for individuals or $756.90 for companies.

  • The court can impose a maximum penalty of up to $2523.

What to do if your pool is non-compliant

  1. Ace Total Compliance can help you by providing advice on what to do to make your pool comply,

  2. We can undertake a formal inspection with a view to getting a certificate (for peace of mind), and

  3. In the instance you do not comply, we will advise you on how to ensure compliance and undertake an additional inspection to provide you with a valid Pool Safety Certificate.

Keeping you cool in the pool!.png